Welcome to the fdmt reseller portal

Our dedicated and attentive team is committed to providing innovative quality sensory tools: manimo the comforting weighted plush, weighted pillows, sound-absorbing earmuffs, weighted blankets… For us, passion is a powerful tool, which allows you to develop, to grow, to wonder. 

Our mission is fostering the maximum development of all by significantly contributing to the sensory well-being of individuals.

Are you looking to offer quality sensory products? We want to be your distributor and would love to talk to you!

We are the distributor that can provide you with a big selection of what you need to stock your shelves in one place.

Need advice? We collectively have a lot of experience and can provide guidance and advice on our products and their use. Let us know!

We offer special reseller rates and shipping, great point of sale material, and friendly service. We have team members that would be happy to discuss your needs!

manimo has become an essential sensory tool for thousands of people! Companion with multiple benefits, manimo provides comfort in an anxiety provoking situation, soothes excess energy, helps you to concentrate better, and positions your body in a space.

Our must-have products

All children learn differently and our goal is to help them develop to their full potential! Since 2002, we have been committed to providing you with resources, innovative, educational, fun games and material, as well as quality sensory tools. All our products are guaranteed for 1 year against manufacturing defects.